Responsible & ethical enforcement partner providing a dedicated personal service
Commercial Forfeiture of Lease
We provide the Landlord a comprehensive service Forfeiture of Lease / Peaceful Repossession service to resecure your property.
Right of the Landlord to Terminate the Lease
The landlord usually has the right to terminate the lease when the tenant has breached their obligation of paying rent.
Most contemporary leases provide this common law right. The right of forfeiture usually applies when the payment is overdue by 21 days.
Forfeiture of Lease Options
There are two commercial property enforcement options available in regard to forfeiture of lease.
One option can be achieved without having to go to the court as it refers to common law, while the other option is obtaining a County Court Judgment (CCJ) or if already in hand can be transferred to the High Court.
Common Law – Forfeiture of Lease/ Peaceful Repossession
This common law remedy can be very quick and effective solution without making an application to a court.
On being instructed our Enforcement Agent will enter the premises at a time when the premises is empty. The locks will be changed and property secured on behalf of the landlord. This remedy is often referred to as Peaceable entry. If the tenant has stock or items onsite they will be given notice when and how to retrieve these if they wish.
Our comprehensive Forfeiture of Lease service includes making and providing the client with an inventory within 24 hours. This is both written and photographic record of all valuable goods.
Photographic evidence does not incur an extra charge. It would be advisable as it has been an invaluable factor when resolving any subsequent disputes.
Same Day Action – No Application to a Court Required
On receipt of your instructions we can act very quickly. Provided that the online warrant is received or emailed before noon, we can undertake this action on the same day of receipt of the warrant.
Why Our Commercial Property Arrears Specialists?
Our resources and experience means that we can help landlords recover all arrears due under the terms of the lease.
Our commercial property specialists are very experienced in undertaking Forfeiture of Lease for commercial properties. We understand the importance of prompt effective action while being mindful of the landlord tenant relationship. Especially if Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR) action may also be undertaken or required. Through our one-stop enforcement services we can help resolve these also.
Instruct our Commercial Property Experts to act on your behalf
How to Instruct Us Online
- Have the Commercial Forfeiture of Lease information and any other relevant documents to hand.
- Ensure you have scanned and saved the documents you wish to upload.
- Complete the Commercial Forfeiture Arrears Form.
- Upload any scanned documents when prompted.
- Read the Terms & Conditions & E-signature and Tick box to confirm your agreement.
- Review each section carefully.
- Sign with mouse and click on Submit button.
What Happens Next? At a Glance.
- You will receive a copy of the completed form by email.
- Please print this off and keep for your records.
- We will visit the premises when unattended.
- The locks will be changed and property secured.
- The Notices will be provided and displayed.
- Photographs will be taken on the day.
- Written record of inventory is made.
- The new keys will be given to the Landlord or agent as requested.
Writ of Possession in combination with a Writ of Control
Commerical landlords can apply for an order of possession. They can then transfer up the order to the High Court for enforcement with High Court Writ Recovery under a writ of possession.
If you are also owed rent arrears, you can combine the writ for possession with a writ of control. This enables landlords to recover the rent element at the same time as the repossession of the property.